Browsing by Subject Cercariae

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Ethnopharmacological evaluation of schistosomicidal and cercaricidal activities of some selected medicinal plants from GhanaAcheampong, Desmond Omane; Owusu-Adzorah, Ninette; Armah, Francis Ackah; Aninagyei, Enoch; Asiamah, Ernest Amponsah; Thomford, Ama Kyeraa; Anyan, William Kofi
2020Ethnopharmacological evaluation of schistosomicidal and cercaricidal activities of some selected medicinal plants from GhanaAcheampong, Desmond Omane; Owusu-Adzorah, Ninette; Armah, Francis Ackah; Aninagyei, Enoch; Asiamah, Ernest Amponsah; Thomford, Ama Kyeraa; Anyan, William Kofi
2018In vitro cercaricidal activity of fractions and isolated compounds of erythrophleum ivorense (fabaceae) root bark against schistosoma haematobiumArmah, Francis A.; Amoani, Benjamin; Henneh, Isaac T.; Dickson, Rita A.; Adokoh, Christian K.; Amponsah, Isaac K.; Adu-Gyamfi, Cecilia; Acheampong, Desmond O.
15-Feb-2019In vitro Cercaricidal Activity of Fractions and Isolated Compounds of Erythrophleum ivorense (Fabaceae) Root Bark against Schistosoma haematobiumArmah, Francis A.; Amoani, Benjamin; Henneh, Isaac T.; Dickson, Rita A.; Adokoh, Christian K.; Amponsah, Isaac Kingsley; Adu-Gyamfi, Cecilia; Acheampong, Desmond Omane
2019In vitro Cercaricidal Activity of Fractions and Isolated Compounds of Erythrophleum ivorense (Fabaceae) Root Bark against Schistosoma haematobiumArmah, Francis A.; Amoani, Benjamin; Henneh, Isaac T.; Dickson, Rita A.; Adokoh, Christian K.; Amponsah, Isaac K.; Adu-Gyamfi, Cecilia; Acheampong, Desmond O.