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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Correlates of stunting among children in GhanaDarteh, Eugene Kofuor Maafo; Acquah, Evelyn; Kumi-Kyereme, Akwasi
2016Effect of extensive reading on the readability of children with reading difficultiesOkai, Martha-Pearl
2011Exploring the influence of household internal migration and parents’ main livelihood activities on children’s occupational aspirations in GhanaTanle, Augustine; Agblorti, Samuel K.M.
Jun-2018Hand washing knowledge and practices among public primary schools in the Kintampo Municipality of GhanaDajaan, Dubik S.; Addo, Henry O.; Ojo, Luke; Amegah, Kingsley E.; Fiagbe, Loveland; Bechala, Banewel D.; Benjamin, Begyele B.
May-2013The impact of parenting styles on the personal and social development of children at Elmina-Central RegionOwusu-Gyan, Joan
Feb-2019Management and Care of Malnourished Children: Gaps in their Knowledge Levels of Final-Year Community Health Nursing TraineesNsiah-Asamoah, C.; Ayensu, J.; Owusu, K.
2018Management and Care of Malnourished Children: Gaps in their Knowledge Levels of Final-Year Community Health Nursing TraineesNsiah-Asamoah, C; Ayensu, J; Owusu, K
Jun-2009Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban AfricaPorter, Gina; Munthali, Alister; Hampshire, Kate; Abane, Albert; Robson, Elsbeth; Mashiri, Mac; Tanle, Augustine
Jun-2009Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban AfricaPorter, Gina; Kate, Hampshire; Abane, Albert; Robson, Elsbeth; Alister, Munthali; Mashiri, Mac; Tanle, Augustine
2010Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban AfricaPorter, Gina; Hampshire, Kate; Robson, Elsbeth; Munthali, Alister; Mashiri, Mac; Tanle, Augustine
2009Moving young lives: Mobility, immobility and inter-generational tensions in urban AfricaPorter, Gina; Hampshire, Kate; Abane, Albert; Robson, Elsbeth; Munthali, Alister; Mashiri, Mac; Tanle, Augustine
2015“Over my Dead Body”: Knowledge and Attitude of Children towards HIV and AIDS in the Cape Coast Metropolis of GhanaOwusu, Samuel Asiedu
2017Prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection among children living in a rural setting in Sub-Saharan AfricaAwuku, Yaw Asante; Simpong, David Larbi; Alhassan, Ishmael Kunateh; Tuoyire, Derek Anamaale; Afaa, Taiba; Adu, Patrick
2017Prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection among children living in a rural setting in Sub-Saharan AfricaAwuku, Yaw Asante; Simpong, David Larbi; Alhassan, Ishmael Kunateh; Tuoyire, Derek Anamaale; Afaa, Taiba; Adu, Patrick
Sep-2020Psychological Distress and Coping Strategies of Caregivers of Children With Chronic Conditions in the Ashanti Region of GhanaAyimbire, Benjamin Abass
Sep-2020Psychological Distress and Coping Strategies of Caregivers of Children with Chronic Conditions in the Ashanti Region of GhanaAyimbire, Benjamin Abass
2017The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and TourismLowry, Linda L.
2001Typhoid ileal perforation in Nigerian children: an analysis of 106 operative casesRahman, G. A.; Abubakar, A. M.; Johnson, A-W.B.R.; Adeniran, J. O.