University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository
Browsing by Subject Citrus aurantifolia
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
22-Jun-2019 | Chemical profile and in vivo toxicity evaluation of unripe Citrus aurantifolia essential oil | Adokoh, Christian K.; Asante, Du-Bois; Acheampong, Desmond O.; Kotsuchibashic, Yohei; Armahb, Francis A.; Sirikyid, Ignatius H.; Kimurac, Keisuke; Gmakameb, Edward; Abdul-Raufb, Sey |
2019 | Chemical profle and in vivo toxicity evaluation of unripe Citrus aurantifolia essential oil | Adokoh, Christian K.; Asante, Du-Bois; Acheampong, Desmond O.; Kotsuchibashi, Yohei; Armah, Francis A.; Sirikyi, Ignatius H.; Kimura, Keisuke; Gmakame, Edward; Abdul-Rauf, Sey |