Browsing by Subject Employee performance

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2014The effect of human relations on employee performance at Benso Oil PlantationOcran, George Kisi
Oct-2021Effects of Discipline Management on the Performance of Employee of Judicial Service, Cape CoastAdu, Amos Anim
Jul-2013Effects of motivational factors on employee performance: a study of Kakum Rural Bank LimitedMensah, Francis
May-2009Employee performance appraisal practices of World Vision – Ghana rural water project (GRWP)Serwah, Afriyie
Jul-2018Employee turnover and performance of national disaster management in the Central Region of GhanaAdjorlolo, Teddy Kofi
Sep-2020Goal setting and employee performance in the banking sector of the Cape Coast MetropolisDomeh, Isaac Nartey
Feb-2017Grievance handling procedures and employee performance: A case of Jayee University CollegeAssafuah, Enoch Kwesi
Oct-2021Human Resource Development Practices and Employee Performance at Cape Coast Technical UniversityObeng, Mercy Afua
Aug-2019Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance at Wenchi Methodist Senior High SchoolMensah, Seth
Dec-2016The Impact of Information Literacy Skills on the Performance of Past Students at their Workplaces: The Case of University of Cape Coast, GhanaFilson, Christohper Kwame; Kwafoa, Paulina Nana Yaa
Jun-2021Incentives and Employee Performance in the Public Sector: Evidence from the Volta River Authority, GhanaNimo, Isaac Nana Okan Ababio
Sep-2019Leadership Style and Employee Performance at Berekum Senior High SchoolNyarko, Nana Kwamena Addae
Oct-2021Leadership Style and Employee Performance at Cummins GhanaAkyereko, Frank Ato
Sep-2023Leadership styles and employee performance among staff at the Cape Coast Technical University: The mediating role of organisational politicsDwamena-Asare, Elizabeth
Mar-2020Occupational stress and employee performance: the case of cape coast technical universityBartels, Evelyn
Oct-2016Organization health and safety policies on employee performance in Kintampo-North HospitalTukuu, Eric
May-2022Performance Appraisal and Employee Performance at Ga Central Municipal AssemblyAyirebi, Georgina
Dec-2019Performance management system and employee performance at La Dade Kotopon Municipal AssemblyAbdulai, Zaharawu
Mar-2019Performance of temporary employees of the capital group, GhanaFosu, Abena Amissah
Aug-2007The relevance and effectiveness of employee performance appraisal at quality control division of CocobodGawu-Mensah, Gilbert