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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2021Career Development and Employee Commitment at Ghana National Association of Teachers (Gnat) OfficesBaidoo, Charles Kwakye
Nov-2015Effect of organisational climate on transfer of in-service training among teachers of Fijai Senior High SchoolGyasi, Bruce Opoku
Dec-2016Effects of firm size on firm performance of manufacturing firms in GhanaBatcha, Dennis Obodai
2009Effects of quality human resource on textbook production in Ghana in Ghana Publishing CorporationKuse, Samuel
Mar-2021Employees’ Perception of Appraisal and Job Performance in Ghana Health ServiceOhene-Saforo, Eva
2016Factors influencing employee job satisfaction in Ghana’s hotel industryAmissah, Eunice Fay; Gamor, Emmanuel; Nuong, Mildred; Amissah, Deri Agnes
2017Factors of work-family conflict in the hospitality industry in GhanaGamor, Emmanuel; Amissah, Eunice Fay; Amissah, Agnes; Nartey, Ebenezer
Aug-2019Implementation of the Human Capital Development Strategies for Employees in the Publicly-Funded Universities in Ghana: Myth or RealityAkrono, Francis Narh
Jun-2022Influence of Compensation Management on the Commitment: the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction at The Youth Employment AgencyMensah, Israel Eric
Feb-2017The influence of motivation on job satisfaction of nurses at Cape Coast Metropolitan hospitalAdanu, Felicia
Aug-2021Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Employees at the North Tongu District AssemblyAgbito, Yom
Nov-2020Motivation and Employees Performance at the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho.Worlanyo Mensah Torku, Felix
Jul-2022Non-financial Rewards and Employees’ Job Satisfaction: Evidence From Selected Manufacturing Firms in Greater Accra RegionAdibo, Yayra
Oct-2018Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of Employees in Star Rated Hotels within the Central RegionArthur-Amissah, Anna
Jan-2019Recruitment and Satisfaction of Employees of University of Cape CoastAttor, Gordon
Nov-2015Training and work performance: Perception of employees of Ghana High Way Authority (GHA) in the Sunyani MunicipalityOppong, Emmanuel Kofi
Aug-2014Work-life management of employees of banks in cape Coast MetropolisKissi, Diana Ama