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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2019Assessing the practices of palliative and end-of- life care among nurses at Cape Coast Teaching HospitalOwusu, Abigail Boatemaa
Sep-2009The attitude of student nurses in HIV/AIDS careEkuban, Agartha
Jun-2022Attitude, Behaviour and Challenges of Nurses Caring For the Physically Abused in Hospitals in the Sekondi takoradi Metropolis, GhanaAikins, Lola Majeed
2020Barriers to and facilitators of nurses’ political participation in GhanaAfizu, Alhassan; Siakwa, Mate; Kumi-Kyereme, Akwasi; Wombeogo, Michael
2020Challenges of learning and implementation of nursing process among students at psychiatry nursing training school at ankaful in the central region of GhanaAsiedu, Christiana; Boahen, Francis Adu-Donyina
Jan-2017Effect of the big five personality traits on organisational citizenship behaviour among Nurses in Cape Coast MetropolisBiney, Deborah Baaba
Sep-2022Emotional Intelligence and Nurses‟ Job Performance at The Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, GhanaDuncan, Emmanuel
Feb-2017Evaluation of Clinical Training of Student Nurses at the Cape Coast Teaching HospitalEyeson, Evelyn Baawa
Jun-2020Experience of Registered Nurses of Postoperative Pain Assessment Using Objective Measures among Children at Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital in GhanaDwamena, Sylvia Oger Ofosu; Druye, Andrews Adjei; Ampofo, Evelyn Asamoah
May-2009Factors influencing retention of nurses at Korle Bu Teaching HospitalAkogyeram, Catherine
May-2020Fever Management in Children 0 – 5 Years: a Survey of the Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices Among Nurses in the Cape Coast Metropolis of GhanaAidoo, Lawrencia Antoinette
Aug-2021Influence of Leadership Practices on Job Satisfaction among Nurses at Cape Coast Teaching HospitalAkoto, Irene Agyeiwa
Feb-2017The influence of motivation on job satisfaction of nurses at Cape Coast Metropolitan hospitalAdanu, Felicia
Nov-2013Job satisfaction among nurses at the Regional Hospital in BolgatangaAbubakari, Umuhari Adams
Jun-2014Knowledge and perception of Nurses on the use of restraints at Accra Psychiatric Hospital.Eyra, Dedzo Clara
Jul-2016Knowledge and Practice of Skills for Physical Assessment of Patients by Nurses in the Greater Accra Regional (Ridge) HospitalGhanney, Sarah
May-2016Nurses View on Drug Administration Error and Patient Safety in Health Facilities in the Central Region of GhanaDegley, Thywill
May-2016Nurses view on drug administration error and patient safety in health facilities in the Central Region of Ghana.Degley, Thywill
May-2018Oxygen Therapy:Assessing Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses Working in Three Selected Hospitals in the Tarkwansuaem MunicipalityDede Tisei, Theresa
Aug-2011Perceived occupational stressors, coping strategies and burnout pertaining to nurses working in Tamale Teaching hospital of Northern Region.Jebuni, Prince Gunguni Winfred