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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2019Assessing the practices of palliative and end-of- life care among nurses at Cape Coast Teaching HospitalOwusu, Abigail Boatemaa
Sep-2021An Assessment of Internal Audit Practices in the University of Education, WinnebaAnsah, Dale
Aug-2020Assessment of Physical Facilities and Quality Assurance Practices: A Comparative Study of Takoradi and Cape Coast Technical UniversitiesMensah, Isaac
Oct-2020Book-Keeping Practices and Accountability of Cocoa Industry in Western North Region. A Study of Suaman DistrictBertino, Frederick
2018Colleges of Education Mathematics Tutors’ Problems and Challenges associated with the Teaching of Quadratics using Completing the Square ApproachAlhassan, Mohammed Nurudeen; Agyei, Douglas Darku
Oct-2021Counselling Practices of the Clergy in Selected Churches in the Sekondi-takoradi Metropolis, GhanaOgyiri Asare, Bernard
2018Exploring Self-Management Practices Among Patients with Diabetes in Government Hospitals in the Upper West Region of GhanaKpekura, Stephen; Ninnoni, Jerry Paul Kukye-Ayiri; Nuvor, Samuel Victor
Sep-2018Exploring Self-Management Practices Among Patients with Diabetes in Government Hospitals in the Upper West Region of GhanaKpekura, Stephen; Ninnoni, Jerry Paul Kukye-Ayiri; Nuvor, Samuel Victor
Dec-2021Formative Assessment Practices of English Language Teachers in Senior High SchoolsZaney, Jennifer Senam
20-Aug-2015Functions and practices of curriculum supervision in senior high schools in the Assin North municipality of GhanaCobbold, Cosmas; Kofie, Sylvanus; Bordoh, Anthony; Eshun, Isaac
Aug-2015Functions and Practices of Curriculum Supervision in Senior High Schools in the Assin North Municipality of GhanaCobbold, Cosmas; Kofie, Sylvanus; Bordoh, Anthony; Eshun, Isaac
Aug-2014Homosexual Practices among Senior High School Students in the Cape Coast MetropolisOfori, Emmanuel
Aug-2021Influence of Leadership Practices on Job Satisfaction among Nurses at Cape Coast Teaching HospitalAkoto, Irene Agyeiwa
2018Knowledge and attitude of patients with diabetes in government hospitals in the Upper West Region of GhanaKpekura, Stephen; Ninnoni, Jerry P. K.; Nuvor, Samuel V.
Jul-2018Knowledge and Attitude of Patients with Diabetes in Government Hospitals in the Upper West Region of GhanaKpekura, Stephen; Ninnoni, Jerry P. K.; Nuvor, Samuel V.
2018Knowledge and attitude of patients with diabetes in government hospitals in the Upper West Region of GhanaKpekura, Stephen; Ninnoni, Jerry P. K.; Nuvor, Samuel V.
Mar-2017Knowledge and attitudes of diabetes patients on self management practices in government hospitals in the Upper West RegionKpekura, Stephen
2012Knowledge and practices of people in Bia District, Ghana, with regard to iodine deficiency disorders and intake of iodized saltBuxton, Christiana; Baguune, Benjamin
Jul-2018Knowledge, attitude and practices of teacher trainees On the prevention of hepatitis b virus infection in the Kumasi metropolisArthur, Richard
Jul-2021Management Information System Practices at Ghana Cocoa BoardAdu-Asante, Hugh