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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2013Artisanal gold mining and mercury contamination of surface water as a wicked socio-environmental problem: a sustainability challenge?Armah, Frederick Ato
Dec-2019Assessment of the ecological and human health implications of heavy metals and microbial load content of the Ankobra River, GhanaEffah, Elizabeth
7-Nov-2019Black citric acid polymer (pn) pozzolana activated - na-pn-pozzolana-ce material synthesis tested as cationic exchangerRabeharitsara, Andry Tahina; Rabemananjara, Marie Nicole; Randriana, Nambinina Richard
2019Deep row trenching of waste water treatment works sludge: modelling water flow and nutrient transport in soil profile with HYDRUS-2DAdadzi, Patrick; Still, David; Takase, Mohammed; Essandoh, Paul Kwame; Lorentz, Simon
Jul-2018Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Vegetation, Soi and Water QualityiIn the Upland Evergreen Tropical Forest of Atewa, GhanaGhartey-Tagoe, Felicity
Jul-2018Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Vegetation, Soil and Water Quality in the Upland Evergreen Tropical Forest of Atewa, GhanaGhartey-Tagoe, Felicity
Aug-2020Handwashing as a practice among healthcare workers at the Kaneshie Polyclinic, AccraDele-Sogbey, Paola Vebeyere
May-2020Making Rural Drinking Water Supply Programmes Work: A Study of the Water and Sanitation Management Teams in the Eastern RegionAngmor, Emmanuel N.
Nov-2007Mercury and cadmium budgets of the Pra estuary in the Western Region of GhanaSam, Arkoful
Mar-2020Occurrence of nontuberculous mycobacteria in some selected water sources in the central region of GhanaQuist, Yvonne Edem
2015Removal of Pb 2+ and Fe2+from water samples in Ghana by synthetic zeolites as measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy and light transmission experimentsSefa-Ntiri, B.; Kwakye-Awuah, B.; Mensah-Amoah, P.; Williams, C.
2002Trace elements in water, fish and sediment from Tuskegee Lake, Southeastern USAIkem, A.; Egiebor, N. O.; Nyavor, K.