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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2014Attrition and Retention of Teachers in the Public Senior High Schools in the Tamale Metropolis of Northern RegionAziz, Yussif A.
Mar-2012Basic School Teachers’ Utilization of Instructional Time in the Teaching and Learning of ScienceAppiah, Eric
Dec-2014The effectiveness of training and development of public sector teachers within the Bolgatanga municipalityAyorogo, Richard Bengre
2015An evaluation of the instructional performance between teachers trained by traditional and distance learning model: Implications for teacher educationAmina, Jangu Alhassan
Jan-2016Factors influencing female teacher-trainees’ nonparticipation in physical activity and sports in colleges of education in Ashanti region of GhanaNkrumah, Abena Adasa
2015Ghanaian teachers’ career orientations and their turnover intentionsCobbold, Cosmas; Asamani, Lebbaeus
2015Ghanaian Teachers’ Career Orientations and Their Turnover IntentionsCobbold, Cosmas; Asamani, Lebbaeus
2008An investigation into the emotional reactions to inclusion of Ghanaian mainstream teachersGYIMAH, EMMANUEL KOFI; SUGDEN, DAVID; PEARSON, SUE
May-2012The perception of parents, pupils and teachers on the effect of home environment on the academic performance of junior high school students in Mporhor Wassa east districtAmetefe, Victoria
Feb-2011The perception of teachers and students about parenting styles and their influence on self esteem of children -- a study at Tsiame senior high school in the Keta municipalityEhorke, Elizabeth Akpene
Jul-2010The Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and Educational Officers in Ghana on the Role of Computer and the Teacher in Promoting the First Five Principles of InstructionSarfo, Frederick Kwaku; Ansong-Gyimah, Kwame
Oct-2011Teacher participation in decision-making in senior high schools in the Kadjebi districtAmemo, Michael Kodzo
Sep-2014Teaching styles and motivational strategies of primary school teachers in the cape coast metropolisOfosu-Amaah, Emilyn
2012Updating polytechnic teachers’ knowledge and skills through teacher design teams in GhanaBakah, Marie A.B.; Voogt, Joke M.; Pieters, Jules M.