Browsing by Author Amegah, A. Kofi

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Jan-2019Association of Sunlight Exposure and Consumption of Vitamin D-Rich Foods During Pregnancy with Adverse Birth Outcomes in an African PopulationBalogun, Hamudat; Jaakkola, Jouni J. K.; Amegah, A. Kofi
2019Cooking with Shea Butter is Associated with Lower Blood Pressure in the Ghanaian PopulationAmegah, A. Kofi; Brahuah, Emmanuel; Stranges, Saverio
2019Dietary Diversity Score during Pregnancy is Associated with Neonatal Low Apgar Score: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional StudyQuansah, Dan Yedu; Boateng, Daniel; Kwantwi, Louis Boafo; Owusu-Sekyere, Anthony; Amegah, A. Kofi
Jan-2017Do Biomass Fuel use and Consumption of Unsafe Water Mediate Educational inequalities in Stillbirth Risk? An Analysis of the 2007 Ghana Maternal Health SurveyAmegah, A. Kofi; Näyhä, Simo; Jaakkola, Jouni J. K.
Jul-2018Educational Attainment Modifies the Association of Wealth Status with Elevated Blood Pressure in the Ghanaian PopulationAmegah, A. Kofi; Nayha, Simo
Sep-2020Effects of Air Pollution on the Risk of Low Birth Weight in a Cold ClimateBalogun, Hamudat A.; Rantala, Aino K.; Antikainen, Harri; Siddika, Nazeeba; Amegah, A. Kofi; Ryti, Niilo R. I.; Kukkonen, Jaakko; Sofiev, Mikhail; Jaakkola, Maritta S.; Jaakkola, Jouni J. K.
2-Dec-2014Household Air Pollution from Solid Fuel Use and Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical EvidenceAmegah, A. Kofi; Quansah, Reginald; Jaakkola, Jouni J k
2020Short-term prenatal exposure to ambient air pollution and risk of preterm birth - A population-based cohort study in FinlandSiddikaa, Nazeeba; Rantalaa, Aino K.; Antikainenc, Harri; Baloguna, Hamudat; Amegah, A. Kofi; Rytia, Niilo R.I.; Kukkonene, Jaakko; Sofieve, Mikhail; Jaakkolaa, Maritta S.; Jaakkolaa, Jouni J.K.