Browsing by Author Asante, Emmanuel

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Jan-2018Assessment of polyscias frutcosa (L.) Harm (Araliaceae) leaf extract on male fertility in ratsBoye, Alex; Osei-Owusu, Appiagyei Kwaku; Koffuor, George Assumeng; Barku, Victor Yao Atsu; Asiamah, Ernest Amponsah; Asante, Emmanuel
2018Assessment of polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harm (Araliaceae) leaf extract on male fertility in ratsBoye, Alex; Osei‑Owusu, Appiagyei Kwaku; Koffuor, George Assumeng; Barku, Victor Yao Atsu; Asiamah, Ernest Amponsah; Asante, Emmanuel
2020The hydroxyl moiety on carbon one (C1) in the monoterpene nucleus of thymol is indispensable for anti-bacterial effect of thymolBoye, Alex; Addo, Justice Kwaku; Acheampong, Desmond Omane; Thomford, Ama Kyeraa; Asante, Emmanuel; Amoaning, Regina Elorm; Kuma, Dominic Nkwantabisa
2020The hydroxyl moiety on carbon one (C1) in the monoterpene nucleus of thymol is indispensable for anti-bacterial effect of thymolBoye, Alex; Addo, Justice Kwaku; Acheampong, Desmond Omane; Thomford, Ama Kyerea; Asante, Emmanuel; Amoaning, Regina Elorm; Kuma, Dominic Nkwantabisa
2020The hydroxyl moiety on carbon one (C1) in the monoterpene nucleus of thymol is indispensable for anti-bacterial effect of thymolBoye, Alex; Addo, Justice Kwaku; Acheampong, Desmond Omane; Thomford, Ama Kyeraa; Asante, Emmanuel; Amoaning, Regina Elorm; Nkwantabisa Kuma, Dominic
May-2010Scientific medical practitioners and traditional medicine in contemporary Ghana: A study of attitiudes and perceptionsAsante, Emmanuel