University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository
Browsing by Author Asare, Aaron T.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
6-Feb-2020 | Application of biochar and inorganic phosphorus fertilizer influenced rhizosphere soil characteristics, nodule formation and phytoconstituents of cowpea grown on tropical soil | Phares, Christian Adler; Atiah, Kofi; Frimpong, Kwame Agyei; Danquah, Andrews; Asare, Aaron T.; Aggor-Woananu, Samira |
2013 | Assessment of functional properties and nutritional composition of some cowpea (vigna unguiculata l.) genotypes in Ghana | Asare, Aaron T.; Agbemafle, Robert; Adukpo, Genevieve E; Diabor, Emmanuel; Adamtey, Kingsley A. |
2020 | Assessment of the genetic diversity in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) germplasm from Ghana using simple sequence repeat markers | Asare, Aaron T.; Gowda, Bhavani S.; Galyuon, Isaac K. A.; Aboagye, Lawrence L.; Takrama, Jemmy F.; Timko, Michael P. |
2013 | Effects of pre-storage treatments (using brine and vinegar) and refrigerated storage on vitamin c, β carotene, microbial load and shelf-life of red pepper (Capsicum frutescens) | Agbemafle, Robert; Adukpo, Genevieve E.; Asare, Aaron T.; Obodai, Edward A.; Otwere, Charles M. |
Aug-2018 | Farmers and agricultural extension officer’s perception of striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke parasitism on cowpea in the Upper East region of Ghana | Haruna, Peter; Asare, Aaron T.; Asare-Bediako, Elvis; Kusi, Francis |