Browsing by Author Kwaah, Christopher Yaw

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Effects of Parental Attitudes Toward Spousal Violence on Early Childhood Development and Learning Support Among Ghanaian ChildrenKofinti, Raymond Elikplim; Ewusie, Ewura - Adwoa; Kwaah, Christopher Yaw; Asmah, Emmanuel Ekow
2018Entry characteristics, academic achievement and teaching practices: A comparative study of two categories of newly qualified teachers in basic schools in GhanaKwaah, Christopher Yaw; Palojoki, Paivi
2018Implementation of the School Performance Improvement Plan in Ghana: What lessons can be learned?Kwaah, Christopher Yaw; Ampiah, Joseph Ghartey
Jun-2018Implementation of the School Performance Improvement Plan in Ghana: What lessons can be learned?Kwaah, Christopher Yaw; Ampiah, Joseph Ghartey
Dec-2019Motivation to Become a Teacher among Preservice Teachers in Colleges of Education in GhanaDavis, Ernest Kofi; Kwaah, Christopher Yaw; Beccles, Christopher; Ayebi-Arthur, Kofi
2019Motivation to Become a Teacher among Preservice Teachers in Colleges of Education in GhanaDavis, Ernest Kofi; Kwaah, Christopher Yaw; Beccles, Christopher; Ayebi-Arthur, Kofi
2018Preparing Teacher Trainees for Field Experience: Lessons From the On-Campus Practical Experience in Colleges of Education in GhanaAdu-Yeboah, Christine; Kwaah, Christopher Yaw
2018Preparing Teacher Trainees for Field Experience: Lessons From the On-Campus Practical Experience in Colleges of Education in GhanaAdu-Yeboah, Christine; Kwaah, Christopher Yaw
Jun-2011Students' and teachers' perceived difficultties with Senior High School economics topics in Central Region,GhanaKwaah, Christopher Yaw