Browsing by Author Rabiu, M.

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Anomalous viscosity of vortex hall states in graphenea)Rabiu, M.; Mensah, S. Y.; Ibrahim, S. Y.; Abukari, S. S.
2012Appearance of negative differential conductivity in graphene nanoribbons at high-harmonicsa)Rabiu, M.; Mensah, S. Y.; Abukari, S. S.
2011General scattering mechanism and transport in grapheneRabiu, M.; Mensah, S. Y.; Abukari, S. S.
2012Generation and amplification of terahertz radiation in carbon nanotubesAbukaria, S. S.; Mensah, S.Y.; Mensah, N. G.; Adud, K. W.; Rabiu, M.; Dompreh, K. A.; Twum, A.
5-Dec-2012High frequency conductivity in carbon nanotubesAbukari, S. S.; Mensah, S. Y.; Mensah, N. G.; Adu, K. A.; Rabiu, M.; Twum, A.
5-Dec-2012High frequency conductivity in carbon nanotubesAbukari, S. S.; Mensah, S. Y.; Mensah, N. G.; Adu, K. A.; Rabiu, M.; Twum, A.
2018Hydrodynamic study of edge spin-vortex excitations of fractional quantum hall fluidRabiu, M.; Mensah, S. Y.; Seini, I. Y.; Abukari, S. S.
4-Aug-2012Laser stimulated thermal conductivity in chiral carbon nanotubeTwum, A.; Mensah, S. Y.; Mensah, N. G.; Dompreh, K. A.; Abukari, S.S.; Rabiu, M.
2015Magnetoplasmon excitations at graphene ortex hall fluid edgeRabiu, M.; Mensah, S. Y.; Seini, I. Y.; Abukari, S. S.
2012Negative high-harmonic differential conductivity in graphene nanoribbonsRabiu, M.; Mensah, S. Y.; Abukari, S. S.
2012Terahertz generation and amplification in graphene nanoribbons in multi-frequency electric fieldsRabiu, M.