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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Sep- 1A corpus-based study of the phraseological pattern it + v-link + adj + that clause in l1 and l2 expert academic writingNgula, Richmond Sadick
201Energy efficiency processes and sustainable development in HEIsNunoo, E. K.; Mariwah, S.; Suleman, S. Shafic
Sep- 201Financial literacy, microfinance, and performance of artisanal fishermen in Elmina fishing communityAmenuku, Mary Abra
212Overnutrition and associated factors among adults aged 20 years and above in fishing communities in the urban Cape Coast Metropolis, GhanaPereko, Kingsley KA; Setorglo, Jacob; Owusu, William B; Tiweh, Joyce M; Achampong, Emmanuel K
1960The constraint of a rhetorical invention: Kwame Nkrumah and the Organization of African UnityMensah, Eric Opoku
1961The development of road transport in Southern Ghana and Ashanti since about 1850Dickson, K. B.
1968The Extension of British Rule to Anlo (South-East Ghana), 1850-1890Amenumey, D. E. K.
1969The Power and Functions of Boards of Directors: A Theoretical Synthesis. Zald, Mayer N
1969The pre- 1947 Background to the Ewe unification question: A preliminary sketchAmenumey, D. E. K.
1970Amplification of acoustic phonons in superlatticeDompreh, K.A.; Mensah, S.Y.; Mensah, N.G.; Abukari, S.S.
Oct-1973Two results in lesniewski's mereologyClay, Robert, E
1974Chemical Control of Canada ThistleCarson, A. G.; Bandeen, J. D.
Jan-1974Some mereological modelsClay, Robert, E
Mar-1974Daily Cycle of Mitotis in Root Tips of Hydrocleis nymphoides (Willd). BuchenauStephens, Charles, E.
1975The general elections in the 'autonomous Republic of Togo', April 1958: Background and interpretationAmenumey, D. E. K.
1976Rational Approximants to Holomorphic Functions in n-DimensionsLutterodt, C.H
1976Rational Approximants to Holomorphic Functions in n-DimensionsLutterodt, C. H
Jun-1976Adult Mortality and Fidelity to Mate and Nest-site in a Group of Marked FulmarsMacdonald, M. A
Aug-1976Diurnal periodicity in some common flowersYANNEY EWUSIE, J.; QUAYE, E. C.
Feb-1977An analysis of the recoveries of British-ringed fulmarsMacDonald ., M. A