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dc.contributor.authorEzinne, N. E.-
dc.contributor.authorAustin, E.-
dc.contributor.authorIlechie, A. A-
dc.contributor.authorMashige, K. P.-
dc.description.abstractPurpose: To determine contact lens prescribing pa�erns among optometrists in Abuja, Nigeria. Methods: One hundred and twenty registered optometrists were randomly selected from prac�ces in Abuja and were surveyed about contact lenses prescribing pa�erns in their prac�ces from January to December 2016. Demographic data for each pa�ent prescribed with contact lenses were taken. In addi�on, data rela�ng to lens type, design, replacement methods and the care regime advised to each pa�ent were recorded. The data collected were analysed using the Sta�s�cal Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: The optometrists that par�cipated were 38% males and 62% females. A total of 321 contact lens were fi�ed among pa�ents aged 15 to 55 years with a mean age of 27.3 ± 6.6 years by the optometrists. Two hundred and ninety-two (91%) pa�ents were females and 29 (9%) were males. A good number of the pa�ents (86.6%) were between 20 to 40 years and most (91.8%) contact lenses prescribed were daily wear. Conven�onal so� contact lenses (96.9%) and 3 month replacement modality (70%) were the most prescribed contact lens and modality of wear respec�vely. Majority (78.4%) of the contact lenses prescribed were spherical contact lenses and a good number (62.5%) were refits. Most (78.2%) contact lenses fi�ed were for refrac�ve purposes. Mul�purpose lens care system was the most (98.2%) prescribed lens care system. Conclusion: This survey showed that contact lens prescribing pa�ern in Abuja follows the global trend of contact lens prescribing.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of the Nigerian Optometric Associationen_US
dc.subjectContact lens,en_US
dc.subjectprescribing pattern,en_US
dc.titleContact lens prescribing patterns in Abuja, Nigeriaen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Allied Health Sciences

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