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Title: The Awareness and Use of Electronic Learning Platforms: A Case of a Developing Country
Authors: Nyagorme, Paul
Qua-Enoo, Albert Arthur
Bervell, Brandford
Arkorful, Valentina
Keywords: Awareness
Infrastructure Availability
E-learning Usage
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: World Journal of Computer Application and Technology
Abstract: E-learning is seen as a potent option for mass education globally. Consequently, institutions are hastily adopting it to meet the 21st century education demands, often without recourse to considering the antecedents that promotes the success or otherwise of this mode of instruction. In view of this, the study investigates the awareness and use of e-learning platforms in some selected senior high schools in the Accra metropolitan area of Ghana with emphasis on parameters such as perception, training, accessibility, and infrastructural availability. Questionnaire was used to sample 303 respondents in this descriptive survey. Linear regression analysis and correlation were used on participants’ training, motivation and computer availability in relation to perception, e-learning usage and awareness of e-learning implementation. The findings suggest participants know of e-learning and e-learning platforms but lacked adequate training. The computer literacy was low and most schools lacked adequate ICT laboratories and reliable internet negatively affects e-learning adoption. The major mode of internet access was the mobile phones. Students had a positive perception of e-learning and its adoption. The study recommends among other things that the Ghana Education Service train and educate teachers and students on e-learning to enhance their use and/or development of e-learning platforms. Furthermore, it should provide properly furnished ICT laboratories enhance accessibility and e-learning
Appears in Collections:Department of Education

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