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Title: Utility of university curricula in contemporary times: Perspectives of employers in the Cape Coast Metropolis
Authors: Dodoo, Joana Eva
Kuupole, Domwini Dabire
Keywords: Competencies
higher education
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Journal of Education for Business
Abstract: The majority of studies and reports on university education in Africa have focused mainly on issues related to access, quality, teaching and learning environment, and so on. Although these issues are undoubtedly critical, even more germane to the discourse is the desired utility of university education to society. The authors present the perspective of employers on their expectations from university graduates. The authors employed the qualitative research approach. Four financial institutions from the Cape Coast Metropolis were purposively sampled. An in-depth interview guide was employed for data collection, which was analyzed using thematic content analysis. The authors found that graduates are strong in theory but deficient in application of knowledge.
Appears in Collections:Department of Basic Education

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