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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 42
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2023Blue Economy, Social Resilience, And Sustainable Development Goals In GhanaAlhassan, Abdul-Wakeel Karakara
May-2023Blue Economy, Social Resilience, And Sustainable Development Goals In GhanaAlhassan, Abdul-Wakeel Karakara
Dec-2022Government Domestic Debt Arrears. Private Investment And Financial Stability Gap In Sub-Saharan AfricaKulu, Evans
Dec-2023Effects Of Financial Development And Digital Financial Exclusion On Elements Of Welfare In Sub-Saharan AfricaKawor, Seyram
Sep-2023Covid-19 Pandemic And Financial Markets’ Performance: The Role Of Development Status, Financial Globalisation, And Trade OpennessInsaidoo, Michael
Dec-2021Essays On Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion Inequality And Poverty In GhanaAmoah-Ahinful, Isaac Kwame
Dec-2022Government Domestic Debt Arrears. Private Investment And Financial Stability Gap In Sub-Saharan AfricaKulu, Evans
Nov-2023Vulnerability of the economy of Ghana to the renewable energy transition dynamicsOteng, Clement
Nov-2023Business Environment, Innovation and firm Performance in AfricaAnaman, Emmanuel Atta
Aug-2011Poverty Implications of Trade Liberalisation Financing in GhanaObeng, Camara Kwasi
Sep-2022Unemployment Duration, Migration Intention, and Social Participation: Evidence from Selected Regions in GhanaDarko, Edmund Adinkra
Dec-2021Essays on Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion Inequality and Poverty in GhanaAmoah-ahinful, Isaac Kwame
Apr-2018Effect of Farm Size on Efficiency, Ploughing Technology and Food Security Among Maize Farmers in The Northern Region of GhanaTaale, Francis
Dec-2020Child Labour and Human Capital Formation in the Central Region of GhanaAkrono, Benedicta Leonora
Sep-2017Multiple Borrowing, Over-Indebtedness and Household Consumption Expenditure in GhanaEwusie, Ewura-Adwoa
Apr-2014Income and Non-Income Outcomes of MicrofinanceAtta Peprah, James
Aug-2013Cocoa Research Innovations and Output in GhanaObuobisa-Darko, Ernest
Jun-2006Determinants of School Attainment and Schooling Achievement in GhanaAglobitse, Peter Borkly
Jan-2013Analysis of Investment in Energy: A Case of Electricity in GhanaAddy, Abubakari Obuama
Apr-2018Effect of Farm Size on Efficiency, Ploughing Technology and Food Security among Maize Farmers in the Northern Region of GhanaTaale, Francis
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 42