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Title: Assessing the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Attaining Environmental Sustainability by Eni Ghana
Authors: Lawe, Edem
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability
Eni Ghana
Social Responsibility
environmental conscience
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: Studies have shown the significance role of CSR in environmental sustainability. However, with the scarcity of literature on the achievement of environmental sustainability through CSR in the oil and gas industry, the general objective of the study is the assessment of the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in attaining environmental sustainability in ENI Ghana. Three objectives were established to identify the role of corporate social responsibility in achieving environmental sustainability in ENI Ghana; identify the activities of corporate social responsisbility in ENI Ghana employed in attaining environmental sustainability, to ascertain the barriers in implementing corporate social responsibility for the achievement of environmental sustainability in ENI Ghana and to examine the strategies adopted to improve corporate social responsibility implementation for the attainment of environmental sustainability in ENI Ghana. The study employed the qualitative research method. Hence, a structured interview guide was developed and used in the collection of the primary data. It was discovered that ENI focuses on the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems in Environmental Sustainability; ENI engages in environmental CSR for people and with environmental conscience; ENI contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); ENI uses state-of-the-art technology in monitoring and reducing emissions; ENI adopts best practices to ensure control of release in the environment. The study further discovered that there is an inadequate involvement of stakeholders. Also, ENI must improve its communication processes between the organization and the community to create a cordial relationship
Description: ii,ill:99
Appears in Collections:Institute for Oil & Gas Studies

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