Department of Management studies : [229] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 229
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2024A Study Of Contemporary Management Practices In Faith- Based Organisations In GhanaArkaah, Neile Egyare
2023Relational Leadership And Employee Retention: The Role Of Job Satisfaction And Employee Participation Of Commercial Banks In The Accra MetropolisSam-Tagoe, Lydia
Oct-2023Psychological Distress And Intention To Quit: The Role Of Compensation Among Second-Cycle Institution Teachers In Cape CoastOWUSU, DOREEN AGYEIWAA
Jan-2024Social Capital And Organizational Performance At Cummins GhanaNYARKU, EMMA MINTA
Dec-2023Leader Humility And Employee Commitment: The Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction And Employee Engagement. A Case Of University Of Cape CoastMUSAH, MUSINA
Jan-2024Leadership Behaviours And Employee Innovative Behaviour Of Staff Of Distance Education At The University Of Cape Coast: The Moderating Role Of Organisational ClimateANTI, ERNEST EDWIN
Jul-2023Effect Of Workplace Spirituality On Organisational Citizenship Behaviour And In-Role Performance Of Senior Staff Of University Of Cape Coast: The Role Of Job SatisfactionAMPOFO, EMMANUEL
Apr-2024Employee Retention Strategies In Tertiary Institutions In Ghana: Evidence From Cape Coast Technical UniversityDadzie, Ivy Pepertual
2023Relational Leadership And Employee Retention: The Role Of Job Satisfaction And Employee Participation Of Commercial Banks In The Accra MetropolisSam-Tagoe, Lydia
Dec-2022Technology-organisation-environment framework and e-commerce adoption of small businesses in Takoradi during the covid-19 eraThompson, Justina
Nov-2023Marketing strategies and performance of smes in Ghana: a case study of yamoransa kenkey producersSalam, Abdul Ganiru
Oct-2023Leader humility and organisational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of job satisfaction and employee engagementOwusu, Sylvester Ansah
Aug-2013Corporate social responsibility and brand equity –the perception of students at the University of Cape CoastOwusu, Adwoa Yeboaa
Oct-2023Organisational justice and organisational citizenship Behaviour among tutors of college of distance Education at the university of cape coastObuobi, Samuel Cyril Nanadei
Jul-2023Organisational learning and employee performance: evidence from the Adentan municipal health directorate, Accra.Nartey, Fred
Apr-2023Conditions of service and senior high school teachers’ job satisfaction in the keta municipalityMifetu, Veronica Akpene
Feb-2023Transformational leadership, employee psychological well-being, and work engagement in the University of cape coastKwofie, Faustina
Jul-2022Influence of human resource management practices on employee performance: Evidence from Cape Coast metropolitan assembly.Kpangkpari, Christiana Podiibe
Oct-2023Sustainability of hospital waste management practices and its challenges from the perspectives of healthcare employees: The case of Mamprobi Polyclinic-AccraKosikumah, Victoria
Mar-2023Corporate Culture and Employee Performance in the Ketu South Municipal Health DirectorateDela, Hini
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 229