Department of Sociology & Anthropology : [34] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2023Anklet Wearing Among Females In Cape Coast: A Sociological AnalysisDONYEH, TITUS NYMENOME
Nov-2022Indigenous Knowledge And Ocean Management Practices In Axim, GhanaEffah, Elvis
Jul-2023Relational dynamics of the married: Expectations before and realities during marriageTetteh, Abigail Mamle
Sep-2022The Use of E-learning Platforms Among Undergraduate Sandwich Students: Preference and Challenges at the University of Cape CoastArthur, Joseph Sarpong
Jun-2022Project Policy Implementation and Project Outcome in the Cape Coast Metropolis: the Moderating Role of Project Leadership StyleOchil, Dorcas Aba
Apr-2021Perceptions on Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming In a Public University in GhanaAnnan, Eva
Jul-2022Camfed’s Contributions to the Wellbeing of Women in the Ekumfi District of Ghana: Voices of BeneficiariesAikins, Abigail Ayipeh
Oct-2021Career Development and Employee Commitment at Ghana National Association of Teachers (Gnat) OfficesBAIDOO, CHARLES KWAKYE
Jul-2021The Role of Internal Audit Function in the Detection and Prevention of Material Weaknesses: a Case Study of Agotime-ziope District Assembly in the Volta RegionATTIPOE, DIVINE
Jul-2022Unsafe Abortion: the Experiences of Selected Young Women in the Cape Coast Metropolis of GhanaADOWAA, PATIENCE PENSANG
Mar-2021Adoption of Hashtags in Social Media: Achieving Peace or Inciting Violence?Tawiah-Mensah, Jonathan
Sep-2021Female Criminality in Ghana: Perspectives of Inmates and Significant Others of the Sekondi and Kumasi PrisonsAnnang, Albert
Jan-2021Exploring the Challenges of Double-Track Schools and their Coping Strategies by School Management in Selected Senior High Schools in the Eastern Region of Ghana.Adjei, Enoch Ampofo
Jul-2018Perceptions of Risky Sexual Behaviours among University of Cape Coast Female Students.Hooper, Allswell Garbrah
Oct-2020Non-Custodial Sentence as an Alternative to Imprisonment in GhanaHalm, Emmanuel
Aug-2020Sexual and Reproductive Health Education among Rural Families in Ghana: A Study in Adaklu, Volta RegionAgbeve, Anthony Senanu
Oct-2020The Experiences and Coping Strategies of Harassed and Abused Migrant Female Head Porters in the Kumasi Central MarketAdjanor, Cecilia
Mar-2021Understanding Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs in the Cape Coast MetropolisAddae, Nancy Adwoa
Oct-2020Sports Betting among Youth in the Cape Coast MetropolisBoateng, Bright Bediako
Jun-2021Family caregivers’ perceptions on mental illness and mental health care utilisation at the Ankaful Psychiatric HospitalAgyeman, Francis Gyamfi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34