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dc.contributor.authorObeng, Sabina-
dc.descriptionix, 48p;, ill.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study focused on challenges of monitoring and evaluation in the implementations of development projects and programs in the Asutifi South District Assembly of Ghana. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between monitoring and evaluation and implementation of developmental projects in the District Assembly of Ghana. The study was also guided by the following objectives, thus, to identify and examine the challenges confronting monitoring and evaluation in Asutifi District Assembly, to analyse the measures taken by practitioners at the local government to conduct monitoring and evaluation of developmental projects in Asutifi South District Assembly and to examine the effect of those measures for M& E on the performance of the Assembly. The methodology used in this chapter or study was descriptive and quantitative. Literature was revived from various sources of information such as journal, magazines, internet and articles. Data was analysed to acquire accurate and consistent information. The key findings of the study established include the following; inadequate administrative support for in service training skills, sense of unfairness by those being evaluated, insufficient funds, poor existence of monitoring and evaluation in the district assembly, inadequate resources to implement evaluation policies and lack of professionals are the challenges confronting monitoring and evaluation in the district. Also, learning environment creation, effective project evaluation, using information to improve results, Human capacity for M&E, supportive M& E system, effective operations, supervision and Data Auditing are the effects on the measures adopted. The study concludes that the local sphere of government in Ghana must develop a comprehensive M&E system which would enable officials to measure the performance of the district and to identify weaknesses in this value-chain. M&E thus becomes a way of considering all projects undertakenen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.titleChallenges of Monitoring and Evaluation in the Implementation of Developmental Projects and Programs in the Asutifi South District Assemblyen_US
Appears in Collections:Institute for Development Studies

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