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Title: Impact of online teaching and learning on student learning style in tamale college of education in the northern region of ghana
Authors: Ametsonu, Francis
Issue Date: Oct-2023
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: Globally, countries are engaged in finding ways to educate students using the Internet, which has resulted in many positive experiences. It is through this that the study assessed the impact of online teaching and learning in the Tamale College of Education. Specifically, the study was guided by three objectives; online teaching and learning at the college, differences in perceptions between teachers and students about online teaching and learning, and the impact of online teaching on teaching and learning styles. Descriptive study design using a qualitative approach was used. Interviews were conducted by purposively and conveniently selecting 40 students and 5 teachers for the study, and the data was analysed using the thematic analytical technique. It was found that online learning and teaching was poor due to lack of internet connectivity in most rural areas in the country where students resided. Students also indicated that classroom learning helps them to develop themselves, such that they can use the techniques used by teachers to also teach after the completion of their study. The study also found that students‘ access to learning materials relieved the teachers from extra responsibilities like reduplicating of course materials. It was concluded that even though online teaching and learning is recognized as a powerful tool for teaching and learning, it has not been effective in the Tamale College of Education due to poor internet connectivity, inadequate technological resources, low knowledge in information communication technology among teachers and students and unstable power.
Description: x,62p; , ill.
Appears in Collections:CoDE Department of Mathematics & Science

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