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dc.contributor.authorBoateng, Kenneth Acheampong-
dc.descriptionxiv, 131p; , ill.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study examined Digital Technology Adoption (DTA), Supply Chain Integration (SCI), Supply Chain Transparency (SCTR), and Supply Chain Traceability (SCTB) in Ghana’s Health Sector. The theoretical underpinnings of the study were the Network Theory (NT) and the Resource-Based Theory (RBT). Data were collected from 357 using survey procurement practitioners at the health facilities in the Central Region based on a post-positivism paradigm. The data was analysed using the partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling. The study found that DTA and SCI enhanced the achievement of SCTR, subsequently enhancing SCTB in Ghana’s Health Sector. Moreover, SCI partially mediated the relationship between DTA and SCTR, DTA and SCTB. The study recommended that Ghana's Health Sector adopt digital technology that would enable them to integrate the supply chain at their various health facilities, enabling SCTR and SCTB. The study would comprehend the currently explored subjects, difficulties, and future headings concerning Digital technology innovation from the specialised perspective in the health care system. Moreso, the study was conducted in health facilities in the Central Region, hence the generalisability of the findings across the country may not be possible, hence further research should consider the health facilities in the country so that the results can be generalised for a developing country.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectDigital Technology Adoption, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Transparency, Supply Chain Traceabilityen_US
dc.titleDigital Technology Adoption, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Transparency, Supply Chain Traceability In Ghana’s Health Sectoren_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management

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