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Title: Teacher quality and assessment literacy as predictors of senior high technical students’ performance in core mathematics in Akuapem north municipality
Authors: Amponsah, Nicholas
Keywords: Assessment Assessment literacy Assessment quality Students’ performance
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study examined the connections between teacher quality, assessment literacy, and students' performance in core mathematics in the Akuapem North Municipality. The study used a descriptive survey design and an extensive census approach to collect data from teachers. Its key goals were to assess teachers test construction skills, evaluate their feedback methods, and investigate how their qualifications and teaching experience affected students' core mathematics performance. Three research questions and two hypotheses led the investigation. The data suggested that, on average, teachers had a moderate level of skill in test construction. Furthermore, core mathematics teachers had a moderate level of proficiency with respect to offering assessment feedback. A further in-depth examination of the data revealed notable positive relationships between the quality of assessment feedback practices and critical criteria such as pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of the subject, and classroom management. This study's recommendations include the introduction of professional development programs, curricular modifications, and the encouragement of research projects targeted at improving methods for assessment.
Description: xvi, 122p;, ill.
Appears in Collections:Department of Educational Foundation

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