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Title: Teachers‟ Perception On The Implementation Of The Primary School Mathematics Curriculum
Issue Date: Apr-2024
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study investigates the perception of teachers regarding the implementation of the primary school mathematic curriculum in the Poase Cement Circuit, in the Kadjebi district. The research employed a sequential exploratory design. 6 teachers were selected using a purposive sampling method to collect qualitative data through a semi-structured interview. Results from the interview were analyzed thematically. A survey was conducted on 51 teachers to collect quantitative data using a modified Stages of Concern Questionnaire of the Concerns–Based Adoption. Results were analyzed through descriptive analysis, including mean and standard deviation calculations. The key findings of the study indicated that teachers were generally aware of the curriculum implementation, but expressed inadequate knowledge about its implementation. Teachers admitted that the new curriculum personally affected them and believed it facilitated faster and more innovative student learning. However, the lack of textbooks and other teaching and learning materials hindered effective curriculum implementation. Additionally, teachers perceived an increase in their workload due to the new curriculum. Based on the findings, several recommendations were made. First, there is a need for comprehensive teacher training programmes to enhance teachers‟ understanding and proficiency in implementing the new curriculum. Second, efforts should be made to provide adequate textbooks and materials to support effective teaching and learning. Finally, strategies to manage and alleviate the increased workload on teachers should be explored, such as collaborative planning and resource sharing.
Description: xi,123p:, ill.
Appears in Collections:Department of Mathematics and Science Education

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