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Title: Perceived Impact Of Premarital Counselling On Communication Between Christian Couples In The Presbyterian Church Of Ghana, Kumasi Metropolis
Authors: Asuo, Elijah Wiredu
Issue Date: May-2024
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study assessed the perceived impact of premarital counselling on marital communication among Christian couples in the Presbyterian Church in the Kumasi Metropolis. The research design was descriptive research design. Out of an accessible population of 640 married people, purposive sampling was used to select 196 married people as respondents. The study used close-ended questionnaire on four-point Likert -type scale to collect the data. Data analysis was done using Mean, Standard Deviation, Spearman Rank Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that majority of married couples perceived that premarital counselling is an effective exercise in the Presbyterian church of Ghana in the Kumasi Metropolis. A good number of the participants believed that premarital counselling is vital to the success of marriage. It also indicated a significant and positive relationship between premarital counselling and communication in marriages. Also, the study revealed that premarital counselling has a positive influence on marital communication as it provides an avenue for couples to accommodate each other in communication whenever they marry and it is vital to ensure the success of marriage. The study recommended that every effort must be made for premarital sessions to be led by people who are well vested in marital issues and not elders and people who are perceived to be having good marriage lives.
Description: x, 97p; , ill.
ISSN: issn
Appears in Collections:Institute of Education

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