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dc.contributor.authorEwur, Adwoa-
dc.descriptionx, 101p. :illen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to evaluate the factors influencing children behaviour using University of Cape Coast Kindergarten as a case study. The outcome of this study was to help shape people’s understanding of the behaviour of children at the kindergarten level and the factors that influence these behaviours. The descriptive research was employed in obtaining information about this topic. Three categories of people were considered as a sample population: teachers, parents and children. In all, a sampling size of 32 respondents was selected using the multistage sampling technique. Questionnaires, interview schedules and observation methods were used to collect data. It was found among other things that children exhibit different kinds of behaviour. The most frequent among them include: talking, shouting fidgeting, sleeping, crying, begging, and singing. The study also revealed that the behaviour exhibited by children affects their academic performance and school attendance. It was concluded that the most frequent behavior exhibited by children in the University of Cape Coast Kindergarten are sleeping, crying, shouting, talking, fidgeting, and fighting. It was also concluded that the behavior exhibited by children affects their academic especially in the academic performance and school attendance. It was recommended that teachers should be given adequate training in managing children’s behavior especially at the kindergarten level in order to ensure effective teaching and learning.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectChildren's behaviour-
dc.subjectKindergarten education-
dc.subjectEarly childhood education-
dc.titleAn evaluation of factors that influence children's behaviour at the kindergarten level: A case study of University of Cape Coast kindergartenen_US
Appears in Collections:Institute for Educational Planning & Administration

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