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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 279
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Sep-2020Assessing the adsorptive and photodegradative efficiencies ofzsm-11 synthesized from rice husk ashAnang, Michael Akrofi; Zugle, Ruphino; Sefa-Ntiri, Baah Sefa-Ntiri
3-Aug-2007Arsenic, cadmium, and mercury in cocoyam (xanthosoma sagititolium) and watercocoyam (colocasia esculenta) in Tarkwa a Mining CommunityEssumang, D. K.; Dodoo, K.; Obiri, S.; Yaney, J. Y.
2012Application of the grade-recovery curve in the batch flotation of Polish copper oreDrzymala, Jan; Kowalczuk, Przemyslaw B.; Oteng-Peprah, Michael; Foszcz, Dariusz; Muszer, Antoni; Henc, Teresa; Luszczkiewicz, Andrzej
2010Anti-typhoid properties of phyllanthus amarus extractsAdukpo, G.E.; Dayie, N.T.K.; Adotey, J.P.K.; Fuachie-Sobreh, G.; Quaynor, J.T.; Agyirifo, D.S.
1-Jun-2020Application of silver nanoparticles toward Co(II) and Pb(II) ions contaminant removal in groundwaterAttatsi, Isaac Kwaku; Nsiah, Francis
2011Antiplasmodial activity of extracts of tridax procumbens and phyllanthus amarus in in vitro plasmodium falciparum culture systemsAppiah-Opong, R.; Nyarko, A.K.; Dodoo, D.; Gyang, F.N.; Ayisi, N.K.; Koram, K.A.
2013Antioxidant and wound healing studies on the extracts of Corchorus olitorius leafBarku, VYA; Boye, A; Quansah, N
2013Antioxidant activity and the estimation of total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the root extract of Amaranthus spinosusBarku, V. Y. A.; Opoku-Boahen, Y.; Owusu-Ansah, E.; Mensah, E. F.
2014Anti-nociceptive and antioxidant activities of an aqueous leaf extract of Corchorus olitorius L. (Tiliaceae)Boye, A.; Barku, V.Y.A.; Amoateng, P.; Mbroh, L.A.
2016Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of Canthinone Alkaloids from Anthostema aubryanum (Baill)Fynn, Patrick Malcolm; Opoku-Boahen, Yaw; Adukpo, Genevieve Etornam; Armah, Francis Ackah
2016Anthostema aubryanum Baill: Its Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Activities of the root bark extractFynn, Patrick Malcolm; Opoku-Boahen, Yaw; Adukpo, Genevieve Etornam; Armah, Francis Ackah
2011Analysis of water soluble Copper residue in the top soils of some Cocoa growing areas of the Central Region of GhanaKoKa, J.K.; Dodoo, D. K.; Kambo - Dorsa, J.; Kwakye, P.K.
2011Analysis of lead and cadmium in human milk in the Greater Accra Region of GhanaKoka, J.K.; Koranteng-Addo, J.E.; Bentum, J.K.; Koka, D.M.; Kamoah, G.
2011Analysis of heavy metals in citrus juice from the Abura-Asebu Kwamankese District, GhanaTufuor, J. K; Bentum, J. K.; Essumang, D.K.; Koranteng –Addo, J. E.
2005Analysis of vehicular fallouts from traffic in the Kumasi metropolis, GhanaEssumang, D.K.; Dodoo, D.K.; Obiri, S.; Oduro, B.A.K.
2007Analysis of some pesticide residues in tomatoes in GhanaEssumang, D. K.; Dodoo, D. K.; Adokoh, C. K.; Fumador, E.A.
2005Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in street soil dust in Kumasi Metropolis of GhanaEssumang, D. K.; Dodoo, D. K.; Obiri, S.; Oduro, A. K.
2020Analysis of heavy metals in roadside soils and crops along the Obansandjo way in the Accra metropolisBentum, J. K.; Essumang, D. K.; Tuffuor, J.K.; Agyakum, I.
2011Analysis of Cu and Pb in the sediments of Kakum River, its estuary and tributariesKoranteng–Addo, E.J.; Bentum, J.K.; Awuah, B.; Owusu–Ansah, E.
2010Analyses of lead and zinc levels in human scalp hair in occupationally exposed workers in Cape Coast, GhanaKoranteng-Addo, J.E.; Owusu-Ansah, E.; Boamponsem, L.K.; Agjei, R.O.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 279