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dc.contributor.authorDruyeh, Mary Anane-
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to look at community participation in rural secondary schools in the Atwima Mponua District of Ashanti. It examined contributions and views of parents, the local community and the various functionaries in the areas of community participation. The study used descriptive survey method and data were collected from respondents through questionnaire. The population was made up of the headmasters of the two Senior Secondary Schools, teachers, parents, members ofthe Boards of Govemors and some opinion leaders. Frequencies and percentages were used to present the results. The study revealed that the community had positive attitude towards community participation in education in the district. They contributed mostly through the provision of building materials and communal labour. It was found out from the study that the community was generally involved in decision making in the schools. This was mostly done through the Board and PTA. Despite the level of involvement of the community in the community in the management of the schools, there is the need for continuous public education on community participation. This could be done at functions like Speech-Days and school durbars. Churches and past student associations are to be encouraged to get involved in the management of schools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectCommunity participation-
dc.titleCommunity participation in rural secondary schools in the Atwima Mponua district of Asanti regionen_US
Appears in Collections:Institute for Educational Planning & Administration

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