Department of Ghanaian Languages & Linguistics : [28] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 28
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Thematic analysis of inscriptions on shops: A case study of Amamoma communityQuayson, Anita William; Ofori, Emmanuel Amo
2014The use of insults/intemperate language in political discourse in Ghana: A critical discourse analysisOfori, Emmanuel A.
2015The use of indirect strategies among university students in Ghana: A case study of University of Cape CoastAdjei, Lawrencia Nyamekye; Bosiwah, Lawrence
2015Spelling errors among junior high school students in the Cape Coast MetropolisDadzie, Gloria; Bosiwah, Lawrence
2011Duration correlates of nasal consonants in AkanBosiwah, Lawrence
2015Pragmatic study of verbal threats among the Fantes: A case of ApewosikaAppiah, Richard Anane; Bosiwah, Lawrence
2017The use of insults to challenge political authority: A critical discourse analysisOfori, Emmanuel Amo
2015Polite request among the Akyem speech community in GhanaTotimeh, Esther Ofosua; Bosiwah, Lawrence
2014On inherent complement verbs in KwaKorsah, Sampson
2014Sonic culture in Ghana and its public health implicationsCarl, Florian; Otchere, Eric D.
2016Intertextuality and the representation of insults in Pro-NPP and Pro-NDC newspapers in Ghana: A critical discourse analysisOfori, Emmanuel Amo
2009Ga imperatives and richness of the baseKorsah, Sampson
2009From polarity to reduplication in GãKorsah, Sampson
2016Distributed morphology of Akan-Twi pluralsOfori, Emmanuel Amo
2016Cultural congruence and unbalanced power between home and school in rural Ghana and the impact on school childrenMaskowah, Amy L.; Bosiwah, Lawrence
19-May-2015Constructions of masculinity among the Akan people of GhanaOwusu, Mary A. S.; Bosiwah, Lawrence
19-Jul-2020Conceptualizing farm product overmaturity in the Mfantse dialect of AkanWonkyi, Patrick Nana; Bosiwah, Lawrence
2017Celebration of love: An aspect of Ga women’s discourse on love in Adaawe song- textsKubi, Benjamin
8-May-2020Acoustic evidence of [m] and [n] as syllabic consonants (Ç) in AkanBosiwah, Lawrence
2016Beyond resumptives and expletives in AkanKorsah, Sampson
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 28