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Title: In-service training towards the performance of teachers in the Offinso south municipality of Ghana
Authors: Tietaah, Martin Kpaney
Keywords: In-service training
Performance of teachers
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of in-service training (INSET) programmes on the performance of teachers in the Offinso South Municipality. The study targeted all the 32 Junior High Schools with a total teacher population of 270. Simple random sample was used to select 19 schools while stratified sampling method was used to select five (5) teachers from each of the selected schools. Five (5) Circuit Supervisors responsible for the schools were added. Questionnaire and interview guide were used in the data collection. Overall result of the study indicated that in-service training courses were actually provided for teachers in the Municipality however, follow-up programmes were non-existent. Almost half of the teachers were found to have had teaching experience of over ten years. Inadequate financial support, lack of adequately qualified resource persons to handle various aspects of INSET programmes and insufficient communication and untimely notices to teachers were the major factors preventing the effective organisation of INSET programmes in the study area. Implications of the findings were discussed and the study recommended that the Ministry of Education (MoE) should work together with the Ghana Education Service (GES) to increase the budgetary allocation for staff development and training of teachers.
Description: xi, 80p. :ill
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Institute for Development Studies

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