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Title: An examination into instructors` participation in curricula decision-making on conflict and crime prevention in Ghana: A case of national police training school, Accra
Authors: Abu, Isaac
Keywords: Curricula
Crime prevention
Police training school
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The study sought to examine police training instructor’s participation in curricula decision making in the training of police recruits on conflict and crime management in Ghana. A descriptive research design was used where questionnaires were used to elicit information from personnel at the National Police Training School (NPTS). Due to the smaller number of training instructors at the NPTS census was used. The study also uses qualitative information from some of the senior police officers. The data collected through the questionnaire were analysed by the use of the computer programme: Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS), version 16. The findings of the of study indicate that first, the Ghana Police Service apart from depending on the provisions of article 75 of the 1992 Republican Constitution of Ghana to select members to form curricula decision making team, the police agency uses the rank of police personnel as major qualification for police officers. The study found out that non-involvement of police training instructors in the curricula decision making processes negatively affects the police administration, police training instructors and the recruits. These militate against effective training of recruits. The main recommendations of the study include the need for the Ghana Police Service to make the curricula decision-making processes, experience and educational qualification as the basis for selecting instructors and the need to organise in-service training for instructors to sharpen their skills and knowledge on curricula design.
Description: xiv,117p:ill
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Institute for Development Studies

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