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dc.contributor.authorAdu, Elvis-
dc.descriptionx, 141p. :ill.en_US
dc.description.abstractAdolescence is one of the critical stages in the development of an individual. This is the stage at which a lot of experimentation takes place. The main aim of this study was to find out the impact peer pressure has on the decision-making of adolescents. The design was causal comparative (ex post facto). Questionnaire developed was used to obtain data from senior high school students in the Accra Metropolis. In all, 260 respondents were selected through stratified, purposive, and simple random sampling techniques. The data were analyzed with percentages and one way ANOVA. The independent t- test was used for the testing of hypothesis. Findings of the study indicated that 55.8% early adolescents and 63.2% late adolescents’ possessed the skills in making a competent decision. Results of the analysis showed that early adolescents experienced peer pressure more than late adolescents in their decision making. The nature of peer pressure adolescents’ faced was bidirectional because it was positive on their academic achievement (71.9%) but negative on disciplinary issues (51.1%). Findings also showed that four major specific challenges that affected early and late adolescents in their decision making with regards to peer pressure were misinformation 86.9%, mockery 57.9%, rejection 39.1% and denial 16.1%. Negative effects of peer pressure could reduce if more qualified counsellors were stationed in the senior high schools. The study recommended that school authorities should intensify activities of clubs and societies and encourage all students to join a school club so that good values can be internalized.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectPeer pressureen_US
dc.subjectDecision- makingen_US
dc.subjectSenior high schoolsen_US
dc.subjectAccra Metropolisen_US
dc.titleImpact of peer pressure on decision- making of adolescents in senior high schools in the Accra Metropolisen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Educational Foundation

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