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Title: Citizen participation and service delivery in Techiman municipality
Authors: Ayireje, Cletus Sungadam
Keywords: citizen
service delivery
Issue Date: Nov-2013
Publisher: university of cape coast
Abstract: The issue of citizens’ apathy towards the assembly’s activities, drop in revenue and weak Unit committees, revealed during the POCC analysis for the Techiman Municipal Assemblies’ 2006-2009 Medium Term Development Plan prompted this study. The study examined how citizens participated in the governance and service delivery in the Techiman Municipality. The study made use of survey methods by using interview schedule and questionnaires to gather information from the respondents. Purposive, Snow ball and Quota sampling methods were used to select the required sample size of 200. The data collected were analysed using the computer programme software: Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version12. The findings indicate that, citizens understand participation and have demonstrated that by voting representatives to office, and for others, taking part in community decision – making processes. Majority of respondents however said they were sidelined in the selection of projects meant for their communities. Forums were identified as the modes mainly used by the Assembly to engage citizens in the Municipality. Majority of respondents see the assembly’s performance as unimpressive. Citizens were actively involved in rendering services in the areas of water and sanitation. The study recommends the education of Citizens on their rights and on the relevant laws pertaining to citizen participation as captured in the 1992 Fourth Republican constitution. The Assembly should provide Zonal Councils and Assembly members with permanent offices, financial and human resources and other logistics to facilitate their works.
Description: xi,115p,ills.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Institute for Development Studies

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