Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 75
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jul-2023 | Pre-Service Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding And Interest In Basic Electronics, Balancing Of Chemical Equation, Infectious And Non-Infectious Diseases In Integrated Science | Baah-Yanney, Obed |
Apr-2024 | Teachers‟ Perception On The Implementation Of The Primary School Mathematics Curriculum | DZOMEKU, PAUL |
Nov-2023 | Senior High School Mathematics Teachers And Students’ Content Knowledge In Circle Theorems And Their Van Hiele’s Levels Of Geometric Thinking | Quarshie, Frederick |
Dec-2022 | Students‟ information system usage and satisfaction among schools in cape coast metropolis | Mintah, Samuel |
Jul-2023 | Pre-Service Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding And Interest In Basic Electronics, Balancing Of Chemical Equation, Infectious And Non-Infectious Diseases In Integrated Science | Baah-Yanney, Obed |
Nov-2023 | Senior High School Mathematics Teachers And Students’ Content Knowledge In Circle Theorems And Their Van Hiele’s Levels Of Geometric Thinking | Quarshie, Frederick |
Apr-2023 | Influence Of Emotional Intelligence On Economics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy: The Moderating Role Of Background Characteristics | AGBO, DORIS DZIEDZORM |
Jul-2023 | Factors Affecting Completion Of Postgraduate Mathematics Education Students In A Ghanaian University | AGBELENGOR, PRAISE VERA |
Aug-2023 | Senior high school teachers‘ perception towards the use of concrete materials in teaching and learning mathematics | Wordui, Samuel Gameli |
Aug-2022 | Students‟ conceptual difficulties in thermochemistry | Ofori-Ahenkan, George |
Nov-2023 | Thesis submitted to the Department of Mathematics and ICT Education of the Faculty of Science and Technology Education, College of Education Studies, University of Cape Coast, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Philosophy in Mathematics Education | Mwinlaanaa, Francis |
Aug-2023 | Influence of chemistry teachers on students’ performance in learning hydrocarbons in senior high schools | Mensah, David Osei |
Aug-2014 | Influence of traditional and religious beliefs on students’ learning of science: A case of tamale college of education | Mabee, Moses Kojo Asare |
Aug-2014 | Influence of traditional and religious beliefs on students’ learning of science: A case of tamale college of education | Mabee, Moses Kojo Asare |
Jun-2022 | Influence of Teaching Approaches on Senior High School Students' Mathematical Mindset and their Achievement in Core Mathematics | Britwum, Bright Asante |
Sep-2021 | Relationship Between Shs Students‘ Attitude, Motivation, Anxiety, and Achievement in the Study of Elective Mathematics | Azila, John Kudjo |
May-2023 | Investigating the use of manipulative materials in teaching fractions in primary six and its effects on pupils’ performance and attitudes towards the learning of fractions | Erzuah, Eric |
Jun-2022 | Investigating the Statistics Content Knowledge of Pre-Service Teachers in the Colleges of Education in Ghana | Appiah, Stephen |
Jun-2023 | Mathematical Mindset of Students: A Case of Some Selected Junior High Schools in the Bongo District | Aniah, William Ayuure |
Nov-2023 | Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Activity-Based Teaching Method on Students‟ Achievement in Plane Geometry | Alpha, Kuri |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 75