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dc.contributor.authorAyorogo, Richard Bengre-
dc.descriptionxiii, 104p, ills.en_US
dc.description.abstractEducation is a powerful agency and instrumental in bringing about the desired changes in the social and cultural life of a nation. The key variable for its achievement and survival in this competitive global economy is quality. The whole process of education is shaped and moulded by the teacher and quality teachers with commitment are prerequisites for successful and excellent education. One may wonder whether the institutional structures within which training and development programmes for the teacher are efficient enough to facilitate effective teaching and learning. This concern precisely matured the study which sort to evaluate the effectiveness of training and development of public secondary school teachers. To achieve this, the study employed the opinion of hundred teachers selected from both junior and senior secondary schools in the Bolgatanga Municipality. Questionnaires were used as the main instrument. The data was analysed using tables, pie and bar charts. The study established that teachers’ training programmes are quite irregular and without adequate analysis of the teachers’ needs. Consequently, majority have not had training after their mandatory professional training. Lack of opportunities, motivation and funds were the main reasons for the situation. It is, therefore, recommended that teachers’ training and development should be systematically planned, periodically reviewed, supported, funded and researched to guarantee the effectiveness of the process.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectpublic sectoren_US
dc.titleThe effectiveness of training and development of public sector teachers within the Bolgatanga municipalityen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Accounting & Finance

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