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Title: Quality of construction processes and the fit of government supplied uniforms in West Akyem Municipality
Authors: Koranteng, Mavis
Keywords: School uniforms
Free Uniform
Basic school
construction processes
West Akyem Municipality
Issue Date: Jul-2015
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the constructional quality offree school uniforms supplied by Government of Ghana to basic school pupils. The study was a descriptive survey carried out at the West Akyem Municipal Assembly. The population studied comprisedFree School Uniform (FSU)beneficiaries for the 2013/2014 academic year. Purposive and disproportionate stratified sampling techniques were utilized to select 419 respondents which comprised of manufacturers, headteachers/teachers, parents and pupils. Two Quality control personnel were contacted to assess the constructional details of the free school uniforms sewed. Data was collected using questionnaireand observation guide. The instrumentfor the parents, teachers and pupils yielded aCronbach alpha coefficient of 92.95 and 73 respectively. Data collected was tabulated, interpreted and discussed using descriptive statistics. This involved the use of frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Though the manufacturersrated themselves as excellent, the assessors rated the construction quality of the FSU as unsatisfactory because their constructional processes did not meet international quality standards. The study recommends that government of Ghana in collaboration with well established apparel producers come out with effective sizing system for manufacturers to use to produce quality constructed and well fitting school uniforms.
Description: xi,153p.:ill
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Vocational & Technical Education

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