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Title: Impact of beck’s cognitive behavioural therapy on prevalence of depression among infertile women in Cape Coast, Ghana
Authors: Attila, Frank Lamadoku
Keywords: Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
Depressive symptoms
Issue Date: Apr-2018
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study aimed at examining the effect of Beck’s Cognitive Therapy on females who exhibit depressive symptoms due to their suffering from infertility in Cape Coast Metropolis. To achieve this, the study adopted the experimental design which included 29 infertile women, to better understand their thoughts, emotions and behaviours, purposive and census sampling techniques were used. These infertile women were grouped into experimental and control groups. Treatment was administered to the experimental group. At the end of two months, the depressive the symptoms of the infertile women in the experimental group were very much improved as compared to the women in the control group. The obtained data were analysed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The conclusion drawn at the end was that the use of Beck’s Cognitive Therapy is very effective in reducing depressive symptoms among infertile women. In light of this, it is recommended that Counsellors, and Clinical Psychologists apply Beck’s Cognitive Therapy to treat people who suffer depression especially due to infertility and other emotional disturbances. Besides, the study recommends that our health facilities use multi-discipline approach to solve our health needs.
Description: xii, 136p.: ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Counselling Centre

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