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dc.contributor.authorAnderson, George Jnr-
dc.descriptionxi, 130p:, illen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study examined the ethical implications of the use of miracles for conversion in the Word Miracle Church International, now Perez Chapel International in Accra, Dzorwulu Branch. The motivation for the study was the heightened and seemingly competitive activities of different Penteco-Charismatic Churches in their bid to win members to their fold. The research chose to focus on miracles because they form one of the most important attractions, which appeal to Ghanaian Christians. The study adopted the religious market theory as the theoretical framework on the basis that it offers a good paradigm for understanding current activities among some Penteco-Charismatic Churches, the products and services they put on offer and the individuals that go in search of such products and services. The study was qualitative, using the simple random sampling procedure to select eight church members comprising four males and four females for interviews and focused group discussion. The major findings of the study were that the occurrences of miracles in the WMCI attracts majority of the people. Miracles occur free of charge. Miracles are used by the WMCI to solve some pertinent problems of its church members. The term ‘miracle’ is surrounded by negative controversies for which reason the church changed its name. The study, therefore, recommends that miracles should not be used as a pretext by Pentecostal-Charismatic Christian churches in Ghana to accrue wealth, compete, manipulate and to win membership.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectEthical implicationsen_US
dc.subjectCompetitive activitiesen_US
dc.titleThe ethical implications of the use of miracles for conversion: a study of the word miracle church international, now Perez chapel international (Accra, Dzorwulu branch), Ghana.en_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Religion & Human Values

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