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Title: Examine teacher turnover and its effects on the academic performance of mars’ hill school complex, Accra.
Authors: Thompson, Jonas
Keywords: Mars’ Hill School Complex
Academic performance
Teacher turnover
Private schools
Issue Date: Apr-2018
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to assess examine teacher turnover and its effects on the academic performance of Mars’ Hill School Complex, Accra. The objectives of the study were, to establish the cause of teacher turnover, examine the effects of teacher turnover on the academic performance of students, examine the effects of teacher turnover on the management of private schools and determine the solutions to curbing teacher turnout in Mars’ Hill School Complex. A census technique was used to select the staff of Mars’ Hill School Complex and responses used for the data analysis. The study discovered that unfair rewards and promotion systems is a major cause of teacher turnover at Mars’ Hill School Complex. This has the tendency to drive teachers away to leave their jobs as it makes them alienated from their job. Moreover, it was found that invariably, the academic performance of students was adversely affected because of teacher turnover in the school. Also, only a limited section of the respondents revealed that the relationship between the two parties is affected as a result of the decision of a teacher to quit his/her job. Half of the respondents did not think this has any effect on the relationship between management and teachers. Finally, it is recommended that teachers should be empowered to lead their colleagues in creating programs to improve the school climate. Principals and administrators in the school should be trained in how to develop their leadership skills, respond to teachers’ ideas, and support teachers as instructional leaders.
Description: xi 74p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Management studies

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