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Title: Job Satisfaction And The Performance Of Selected Bank Staff In The Cape Coast Metropolis
Authors: Sam, Richard Appiatse
Keywords: Performance
Selected bank
Job satisfaction
Issue Date: Jul-2018
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: The study sought to assess job satisfaction and performance of selected bank staff in the Cape Coast metropolis. This was premised on the grounds that, organizations mostly strive on performances of individual employees in achieving their set objectives and goals. However, the performance of individual employees hinges on the satisfaction on the work. The descriptive study design was employed for the study with the view that, the design facilitates a systematic description of respondent‟s view on how job satisfaction affects job performance. The study used questionnaires with the help of a census sampling technique to collect information from the respondents. Out of the 74 questionnaires administered, 74 were returned representing 100% response rate. Again, the study used frequency tables, mean and standard deviation as well as the multivariate regression to examine the effects job satisfaction has on performance. The study revealed that job satisfaction factors such as compensation and pay, promotion, relationship with co-workers, relationship with manager/supervisors, and safety of the work were crucial for the performance of workers. The study also found that job satisfaction has positive and significant influence on performance at the work place. The study therefore, recommends that employers and management must try to improve on fairness at work place by making sure that employees get well-deserving salaries, promotions, compensations to motivate them.
Description: x 88p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Management studies

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