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dc.contributor.authorBain-Doodu, Joseph Justice-
dc.descriptionx,101p,: illen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was designed to investigate challenges that newly trained teachers face at their first stations in basic schools. Since the role of the teacher in human resource development is very valuable, anything that adversely affects his/her performance should not be left" to chance. Purposive sampling technique was adopted in selecting both headteachers and the newly trained teachers for the study. All the eight "educational circuits in the Awutu-Efutu-Senya District were covered. Questionnaires that were used to gather the data from the respondents consisted of both open-ended and closed-ended items. The research instrument was pilot-tested on newly trained teachers and their heads in the Agona Swedru Municipality. This mi11iature study assisted in detecting and removing ambiguous and irrelevant statements and the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient of the instrument w~s found t6 be 1'=7.25. The final data collected for the study were analysed using SPSS software package and presented in percentages and frequency distribution. The main findings that emanated from the study were that the newly trained teachers had adequate orientation in their respective schools and that they did not face social challenges. However, the new teachers faced some economic and professional challenges in their schools. It is, therefore, recommended that P.T. A.'s and S.M.C.'s should assist newly trained teachers in their schools financially and the G.E.S. should also pay such teachers' traveling allowances to them. Again, heads of the basic schools should help new teachers to secure reference books to help make their teaching easy.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.subjectNewly Trained Teachersen_US
dc.subjectAwutu-Efutu-Senya districten_US
dc.subjectAdjustment challengesen_US
dc.titleAdjustment challenges faced by newly trained teachers in basic schools in the Awutu-Efutu-Senya district of Ghanaen_US
Appears in Collections:Institute for Educational Planning & Administration

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