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Title: The fidelity approach to the teaching of core English language in Bompeh senior high school – A case study
Authors: Zar, Dorothy Morgan
Keywords: Fidelity approach
Teaching of core English
English language
Bompeh Senior High School
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: University iof Cape Coast
Abstract: The study examines the approach used by teachers of Core English language to teach the core English language curriculum in Bompeh Senior High School, in the Western Region of Ghana. Specifically, the study focused on the academic qualifications teachers of the Core English language curriculum possessed, how topics were arranged in the syllabus, the method used by these teachers to teach, the teaching and learning materials they used during the teaching and learning process. A case study which employed both the quantitative and qualitative methods, enabled cross-validation of the data and ensured consistency and authentication. The population was made up of one head teacher, one circuit supervisor, eight teachers (six females and two males) and 135 student-participants who were randomly selected. Data was collected through documentation, questionnaires, interviews and observation of classroom lessons. The outcome of the study revealed that majority of teachers were degree holders of English language. The results also revealed that the most prominent method for teaching English language was the lecture method, which was sometimes combined with demonstrations. The study concluded that the teachers have the skills, knowledge and competencies required to support the implementation of the core English Language curriculum. However, on-going in-service training should be given to teachers in curriculum implementation so that they would be able to implement the curriculum effectively to reflect on ideas expressed in the developed curriculum.
Description: xi,138p:, ill
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Arts & Social Sciences Education

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