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Title: Greatness in matthew 20:20-34: implications for leadership in christian communities
Authors: Adehenu, Cephas Kwame
Keywords: Zebedee’s children
Christ’s kingdom
Concept of servants
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study examined Matthew 20:20-34. The visit of the mother of Zebedee’s children and her two sons to Jesus in search for the greatest position (the right and left seat) in Christ’s kingdom set the tone for the research. Their request for the highest position prompted Jesus to question their commitment to what they were asking for. The response of the two to his question and the reaction of the other ten disciples after hearing of the visit of the two sons of Zebedee, gave Jesus the opportunity to teach them some lessons on greatness. The exegetical method was employed in this study and the narrative critical reading was employed to study the text. The research came out with some findings. Firstly, that sacrifice and commitment alone are not enough for qualifying one for the greatest position in the kingdom. Secondly, the concept of servants and slaves put forward as a metaphor for leaders preferred by Christ to other leadership styles practiced in Jesus’ context. Jesus’ lesson to his disciples who wanted to attain greatness in leadership was that they should not emulate the example that is short of what he explained in this text. ©University of Cape Coast Digitized
Description: vii,123p:, ill
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Religion & Human Values

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