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dc.contributor.authorWireko – Ampem, Justice, Kwame-
dc.descriptionix, 86p:, illen_US
dc.description.abstractAn assessment of Information and Communication Technology usage among teacher trainees in selected Colleges of Education in the Ashanti Region of Ghana was the main focus of this study. The population consisted of third year teacher trainees and tutors of the Colleges under the study. A sample of 123 respondents was considered for the study. These included 40 trainees and 1 tutor from each of the three Colleges under study. The instruments used for data collection were the questionnaire for trainees and interview guide for tutors. These instruments were pre tested in order to correct their weaknesses. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data. From the analysis it was revealed that although teacher trainees had good access to computer use, internet usage by trainees is on the lower side. The study also revealed that Tutors do not have enough time to acquire computer skills and develop new teaching strategies for integrating technology into their classrooms. It was therefore recommended that tutors in the Colleges of Education should be regularly trained and retrained using school-based INSET to effectively use ICT tools in teaching. Also wireless internet service should be made available for trainees and hours for ICT lessons should be extended. Also ICT integration into education should well explained and understood by trainees.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.titleAn assessment of information and communication technology usage in selected colleges of education in the Ashanti Regionen_US
Appears in Collections:CoDE Department of Education

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