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Title: Knowledge and utilisation of e-banking facilities in the National Investment Bank in Central Region of Ghana
Authors: Anane, Richard
Issue Date: May-2019
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: Knowledge and utilisation of e-banking facilities by customers of financial institutions have attracted increasing attention in both the developed and developing world due to importance of e-banking in influencing faster business activities. This study examined the knowledge and utilisation of e banking facilities in 3 branches of the National Investment Bank, Central Region of Ghana. The branches are Cape Coast, Dunkwa and Swedru. The study used a cross-section data set within a descriptive research design. The study employed quantitative approach in the study and data collection was done using questionnaire. A total of 370 respondents including customers and 3 managers of the bank were selected using simple random sampling technique and interview respectively. Analyses of the data were done by using descriptive analysis. The study revealed that majority of the respondents use electronic cards at NIB and they are aware of e-banking facilities available at NIB. In addition, the study showed that majority of the customers have full knowledge of e-banking facilities. Finally, the results revealed that greater part of the respondents effectively use the e-banking facilities. The study therefore recommends that management of NIB and the banking industry in general must improve on the electronic banking services to increase availability and accessibility of these facilities. Also, management of the NIB Bank should intensify the awareness creation on the availability of e-banking facilities in the country.
ISBN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Accounting & Finance

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