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Title: Threshold effects and asymmetric price adjustments in the Ghanaian plantain market
Authors: Acquah, Henry de-Graft
Keywords: Asymmetric price transmission
Threshold adjustment
Co integration
Issue Date: Oct-2012
Publisher: University of Cape Coast
Abstract: This study investigates if there is an asymmetric relationship between Ghanaian retail and wholesale plantain prices. Using the Consistent Threshold Autoregressive Model(C-TAR), this study finds that the retail and wholesale plantain prices are threshold co integrated. The study also finds that the retail and wholesale plantain prices adjust asymmetrically for deviation from the long run equilibrium. The findings of this study further indicate that 63.2% of the positive deviations and 24.9% of the negative deviations persist to the next period. These results suggest that any price movement that squeezes the margins is transmitted more rapidly than an equivalent that stretches the margin.
Description: 7p:, ill.
ISSN: 23105496
Appears in Collections:Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension

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