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dc.contributor.authorAmoah, Samuel Obed-
dc.descriptionxii, 161p:, ill.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to explore perceptions and preparedness of teachers in Ashanti Region towards the introduction of professional teacher licensing in Ghana. Six research objectives were used as a guide for the exploration. A descriptive survey, which allowed for an accurate description of activities, objects, processes, and persons, was adopted to help to achieve the objectives of the study. A sample size of 278 teachers from senior high schools in Ashanti Region of Ghana was selected through multi-stage sampling technique to respond to the Teacher Perception and Preparedness Licensing Questionnaire. Data were analysed using means and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The hypotheses were tested using inferential statistical tools such as independent-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. The study revealed that the selected teachers perceived the introduction of teacher licensing would not improve any teacher-student performance but would rather enhance teacher reputation; motivate teachers to practice their profession; and have a positive effect on teacher self-efficacy. The study also found that the implementation of teacher licensing policy could be more effective and friendly when some measures are put in place. Some recommendations for practice, such as the Ghana Education Service through its supervisory unit should institute measures beyond the teacher licensing policy to monitor and influence the delivery approaches used by teachers and the Ministry of Education should educate teachers, using professional development programmes to help teachers to appreciate that the policy is about professionalismen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Cape Coasten_US
dc.titlePerceptions and preparedness of senior high school teachers in Ashanti region towards the introduction of professional teacher licensing policy in Ghanaen_US
Appears in Collections:Department of Educational Foundation

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